Friday 15 February 2013

that woman...

whenever she steps out into the world,
that woman often becomes an invisible being,
she gets shoved around,
and being stepped on...

and when she get mixed amongst the crowd,
i don't think she is visible around other people,
that is why that woman only hides in her room...

Her room feels cozy to her, like a cage feels cozy to a bird with a broken wing...
and in that room, 
that woman can breathe freely.
that woman never dreamed of the world outside, or missed the world out there...

at least until now...
at least until now...
at least until now...

Thursday 7 February 2013


bila ditanya tentang keseronokan...
dirinya tidak pernah mengerti...
hidupnya keseorangan, terkurung didalam sebuah kamar yang kecil...

bila ditanya apakah punya teman...
dirinya hanya mampu terdiam...
hidupnya selama ini, hanya bertemankan buku dan pena...

bila diajak berbicara...
lidahnya kaku, terdiam seribu bahasa...
kerana hidupnya selama ini, hanya melihat, tidak berbicara...

cuba mendekatinya...ingin mengenali diri dan hatinya...
ingin bermesra, melihatnya tersenyum...
ingin melihatnya berdiri, menikmati keindahan dunia...
ingin menjadi yang istimewa buat dirinya...

Wednesday 6 February 2013

That woman...

That woman's mouth...
Is like a broken faucet in a mountain village...
Not a single drop comes out when it's needed,
Just like a faulty faucet, that only works in the silence of the night...

All the words that she wasn't able to say at the moment...
Comes out pouring after the moment passes...

"Next time, i'll make sure to respond like this", "this is how i'm going to retort to tbe comments",
This, she always vows to herself...

That woman, always speaks the most impressive lines when she's alone in her room...

Tuesday 5 February 2013


life does not means to give us only happiness...

sometimes we have to face the obstacles,

sometimes we have to face difficulties,

and there are also times when we have drop our tears...

but the most important thing to do,

it's either we sacred these moment...

or just throw it away just like dust

so that it won't become a memory...


people who thinks that happiness is something that is within their reach,
makes me wonder, how happy would they be?...

that woman, find herself being nervous every time she finds herself being too happy...

to that woman, happiness is just like the bubbles that we used to play with when we were small...

the moment she touches the bubbles carrying the lights of rainbow around her,
they burst...

in front of happiness, that woman...
gives up before even reaching out her hands...