Wednesday 14 September 2016


assalamualaikum korea
sebagai seorang pemuda, seperti pemuda yang lain aku suka hidup dalam keadaan yang bebas, tanpa sekatan atau halangan untuk aku kemana-mana. tetapi bebasku bukan bebas yang bererti liar, bebasku adalah bebas yang membuatkan aku berdikari, mandiri.
pengembaraanku ke seoul secara backpacking buat pertama kalinya, adalah antara perjalanan yang paling manis buatku, yang memberikan aku banyak pengalaman, yang memberikan ku keyakinan. 

Menjadi seorang yang berbangsa asing memang justeru membuatku terasa asing di negara kimchi ini. Meskipun sesama asia, namun amat sukar bagi mereka untuk menerima dan mengadaptasi budaya dari negara lain. Pengalamanku di negara ini membuatkan aku tersedar akan betapa perlunya toleransi dalam menerima kewujudan budaya dan agama lain. Sebahagian besar penduduk asal nya merupakan confucius, agama yang terawal wujud di negara ini dan penganut agama buddha. Islam masih lagi dipandang janggal oleh sejumlah besar penduduk tempatan terutama kepada yang sudah berusia , walaupun kewujudan Islam di korea sudah bertapak selama lebih 60 tahun, dan angka rakyat korea yang beragama Islam sudah mencecah hampir 100,000 orang. Mungkin di kota Seoul, Islam sudah mula diterima oleh sebahagian besar oleh penduduk walaupun ada yang masih janggal, namun di kawasan selain Seoul, Islam masih lagi terlalu asing buat mereka.

Menjadi seorang pelancong yang berhijab membuatkan banyak mata yang melirik aneh memandang. Soalan seperti "what's on your head?" "Are you arab?" dan "why are you covering your head?" merupakan soalan yang lazim yang hampir setiap hari diterima sepanjang perjalananku di sana. Sekumpulan pelajar yang memandang pelik tetapi tetap memberanikan diri untuk meminta kebenaran mengambil gambar bersama(sekurang-kurangnya meminta izin), dan seorang paderi yang bertanyakan tentang Islam. Lalu terdetik dalam hatiku perasaan bersyukur kerana diberikan peluang untuk berdakwah dengan cara menjawab soalan-soalan yang diajukan dan menerangkan tentang agama.

Hidayah Allah itu luas, dan boleh sampai kepada manusia dengan pelbagai cara, samada melalui sesama manusia atau dengan melihat ciptaan yang Maha Esa. Perjalanan ini membuka dengan luas mata dan mindaku agar lebih bertoleransi dalam mengenali agama lain dan sekaligus mengajak orang ramai agar lebih bertoleransi dalam menerima kewujudan agama2 lain di dalam dunia ini. 

"Hai manusia, sesungguhnya Kami menciptakan kamu dari seorang laki-laki dan seorang perempuan dan menjadikan kamu berbangsa-bangsa dan bersuku-suku supaya kamu saling kenal-mengenal. Sesungguhnya orang yang paling mulia diantara kamu disisi Allah ialah orang yang paling takwa diantara kamu. Sesungguhnya Allah Maha Mengetahui lagi Maha Mengenal." -al hujurat: 13-

Friday 27 December 2013


Assalamualaikum, and greetings people.... wink2 ^_^

no introductions needed...just straight to the points as titled...hikhik

There is the following hadith,

‘Souls are like conscripted soldiers; those whom they recognize, they get along with, and those whom they do not recognize, they will not get along with.’ (Saheeh al-Bukhaari, Kitaab Ahaadeeth al-Anbiyaa’, Baab al-Arwaah junood mujannadah).

Some might say, when you feel a strong urge to enter a relationship, you might have found your soul mate. This might be compatible with some people but might also not be.

Now, of course, this does not mean that the relationship will last forever. Nor does it mean it's going to be like a walk in the park. In fact, you can assume that you are going to come up against some challenges with your soul mate. Where there is potential for the greatest love there is also the potential for the greatest pain. Soul mate relationships include both.

Of course who would want their relationship to face a crisis or to be in pain. All of us surely want a blissful relationship with our loved ones. But believe it or not, it’s impossible. Because love and pain, both do exist within us.

Many of us are quick to write off our relationships when the going gets tough, but I'm here to assure you that challenges aren't necessarily a bad thing. In fact, it's supposed to happen this way. Because what does not come upon us cannot be healed. People spend a lot of time questioning whether or not they are with the right partner. And usually this question arises when we feel pain or discomfort. 

Someone said, "Seldom or never does a marriage develop into an individual relationship smoothly without crisis. There is no birth of consciousness without pain." Pain is the opportunity; it literally is the call to wake-up and change. 

Should I say this? To personally evolve means to grow through the things that challenged us the most, we inherently want to become greater people. Deep within us we are called make our way through struggles and emerge victorious. Our Soul Mates are the people that give us the opportunity to do so by triggering our issues so we can become conscious of them and create a different reality.

There are so many difficulties on being in a relationship especially in marriage because after all, it is our partner that we will always face with. Eventually we will feel both love and pain in when in relationship. It is eventually how we cope with certain situations to make sure that we solve certain issues by avoiding the results that causes pain.

Choosing love means we see people despite their mistakes. It means we see the potential in our partners, actually including our self, even when they cannot see it within themselves. It means we are kind, compassionate, understanding, and forgiving, even when it's hard to do. It means focusing on the good in somebody else, rather than the bad. It means consciously committing to work through our stuff; to clean up our side of the street. Could I say that this simply means, to accept each other despites their lacks and deficiency.

Our Soul Mate is someone to grow with. This doesn't come easy. They are going to challenge us in many ways, and that's ok. Don't write off our relationship because it's difficult at times, understand that the difficultly is an opportunity for us grow.

There is a quote that I’ve seen somewhere before in Dawson’s creek, “ soulmate is like a best friend but more. It is one person in the world who knows you better than anyone else. That someone who makes you a better person. You do that by yourself because they inspire you. A soulmate is someone you carry with you forever. It’s one person who knew you, accepted you and believed you before anyone else did or when no one else would. And no matter what happens, you’ll always love them and nothing could ever change that”.

Tuesday 15 October 2013

that woman...
she's trying to achieve her own kind of happiness
maybe she's alone on that road
or  maybe there's actually someone behind her
that she doesn't even realise
following her
to accompany her
along that soundly path

to that person behind her...
she says thank you
for always keeping her in company
for always being there soundly
for everything
for those times

it is now the time for that woman to start walking alone in her path
it is time for her not to be followed from behind by anyone
for you, who followed her
she says, let her be independent
let her go through her own path
let her be...
let her be...

Friday 15 February 2013

that woman...

whenever she steps out into the world,
that woman often becomes an invisible being,
she gets shoved around,
and being stepped on...

and when she get mixed amongst the crowd,
i don't think she is visible around other people,
that is why that woman only hides in her room...

Her room feels cozy to her, like a cage feels cozy to a bird with a broken wing...
and in that room, 
that woman can breathe freely.
that woman never dreamed of the world outside, or missed the world out there...

at least until now...
at least until now...
at least until now...

Thursday 7 February 2013


bila ditanya tentang keseronokan...
dirinya tidak pernah mengerti...
hidupnya keseorangan, terkurung didalam sebuah kamar yang kecil...

bila ditanya apakah punya teman...
dirinya hanya mampu terdiam...
hidupnya selama ini, hanya bertemankan buku dan pena...

bila diajak berbicara...
lidahnya kaku, terdiam seribu bahasa...
kerana hidupnya selama ini, hanya melihat, tidak berbicara...

cuba mendekatinya...ingin mengenali diri dan hatinya...
ingin bermesra, melihatnya tersenyum...
ingin melihatnya berdiri, menikmati keindahan dunia...
ingin menjadi yang istimewa buat dirinya...

Wednesday 6 February 2013

That woman...

That woman's mouth...
Is like a broken faucet in a mountain village...
Not a single drop comes out when it's needed,
Just like a faulty faucet, that only works in the silence of the night...

All the words that she wasn't able to say at the moment...
Comes out pouring after the moment passes...

"Next time, i'll make sure to respond like this", "this is how i'm going to retort to tbe comments",
This, she always vows to herself...

That woman, always speaks the most impressive lines when she's alone in her room...

Tuesday 5 February 2013


life does not means to give us only happiness...

sometimes we have to face the obstacles,

sometimes we have to face difficulties,

and there are also times when we have drop our tears...

but the most important thing to do,

it's either we sacred these moment...

or just throw it away just like dust

so that it won't become a memory...